In the News

Discover how Safer Place Traffic Violation Management deployments are in use by major municipalties and law enforcement agencies.

Selected Media

Get an insider’s look at our Traffic Violation Management Solutions in action. Explore articles and videos showcasing deployments across cities in Israel and italy.


Lissone: Safer Place in azione: rilevata un’infrazione al minuto!


C’è la super volante per fare multe: obiettivo un verbale ogni 5 minuti


Senza patente e assicurazione, incastrato dal sistema Safer Traffic


L'auto con il sistema Safer Place arriva a Parma. "Lotta a chi usa il cellulare alla guida


Occhi elettronici sulle autoPresto operativa la tecnologia


Vercelli Web TV: Live in-the field product demonstration by local police force


Local TV Report: Live in-the field product demonstration by local police force

Tel-Aviv Municipality

Tel Aviv Municipality issued 762,000 parking and bus lane tickets in 2023

Tel-Aviv Municipality

Tel Aviv Implements Digital Enforcement on Sidewalks Against Motorcycles


Automatic Enforcement Cameras in Public Transportation Lanes


Netanya Introduces Latest Technological Measures to Tackle Traffic Violators

Petah Tikva

Video cameras Recording parking Violations Iinstalled in Petah Tikva."

Ramat Hasharon

Dozens of Parking Violation Enforcement Cameras Installed Across Town


Municipality Activates Enforcement Cameras Throughout Herzliya


Raanana Increases Enforcement To Eradicate Offenses In Public Spaces

Kfar Saba

New Enforcement Cameras Capture Vehicles Parked at Bus Stops


Hadera Activates Smart Cameras For Enforcing Severe Parking Violations

Contact Us

For more information about Safer Place solutions, send us an email and a Saferplace expert will contact you.

Traffic Violations

Enhance road safety by enforcing traffic laws to prevent accidents, reduce traffic congestion, and promote responsible driving behavior among motorists.

Traffic Violations

Enhance road safety by enforcing traffic laws to prevent accidents, reduce traffic congestion, and promote responsible driving behavior among motorists.